Richard M. Crum
3113 Carriage Park Lane
Edmond, Oklahoma 73003
Phone: 405-341-3515
Mobile: 405-474-2114
A Communications Pro
Publisher, editor, writer, teacher, video movie producer, and editorial and communications consultant and trainer.
- Managing editor and senior writer, National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C.
- Editorial Consultant, The World Bank, Washington, D.C.
- Executive Speech, Reports, and Publications Writer and Public Relations Consultant, Teleflora, Inc., Los Angeles.
- Producer-writer, Gibraltar, National Geographic filmstrip, Washington, D.C.
- Producer-writer, Our Cupboard Is Bare, independent video movie, The Editorial Annex, Edmond, Oklahoma.
- Journalism instructor, George Washington and Georgetown Universities, Washington, D.C.
- Professor of English Composition, University of Central Oklahoma.
- Founder and owner, The Editorial Annex, publishing house and communications consultancy and workshop. Clients include The World Bank, Washington, D. C.; Teleflora, Los Angeles, CA; Pinnacle Business Systems, Edmond, OK; Equiflor, Miami, Florida; and The Center for Stable Change, New York City.